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Showing posts from June, 2014

A More Appropriate and Fitting Preface for Big Porn Inc.

To those of you who have not read Big Porn Inc, let me tell you one thing. Remember who it is written by: vitriolic, man-hating feminists who are only satisfied to see how men are represented as buffoons, beaten by women, emasculated and feminised. The men they love are those who fear them because they are not assertive, mature or strong enough to stand up against their female dominance those feminists live to aspire for. They like this type because they get to be the dominant one. They reject the God-given role to man – to lead, protect and support one’s family and community. It’s a simple as that.  They are the same as the feminists in 1960s Australia who sought to exclude the Aborigines to whom they thought they were ‘superior’ to. To those who have read it, while I do not support pornography at all, flush the book out of your system. To those who read it without a feeling of cynicism as you read it, I fear for you, that is, unless of course, you yourself are a bigoted, racist,...

Biblical Evidence For Natural Law - Sermon by Chuck Baldwin on Dec. 1, 2013

God has made His Laws known to all in their hearts. That is why there is no excuse for anyone.

8 Signs of a Hyper-grace Church

More signs to add to the list: Failure to distinguish between the unsaved and saved people. The saved people have a new nature that seeks after God. The truly saved people are holy, just, godly, righteous and not sinful. The old self has died. This is what the Bible says.The unsaved people are unholy, wicked, unrighteous and despicable.  Full stop.  Fear of speaking out against social evils Dismissing evil doctrines to be simply part of a fallen world and criticising Christians who do actively speak out against evil and fight them. Read:

No Mr President.

Fight abortion. Abortion is murder!

It is not that Women are Victims of abortion, Abortion is an Abomination itself

We live in an age of postmodernism where what is right or wrong is a matter of what the individual believes. The sexual liberation movement is the most obvious manifestation of postmodernism. Sexual liberalism is a seductive one as it promises people that they can fornicate with each other without any consequences, whether they are social, cultural, physical, emotion or moral consequences. It has promised people that no longer do they need to cooperate with their spouse in their sexual relationship, but they can now use their spouse to serve only their sexual expectations, and that when they are no longer “satisfying”, they can discard them like a plastic wrapping that protects goods while being shipped to its owner. Owing to their inability to respect the human dignity of others, while at the same time desiring respect from others, people have sought to eliminate the physical consequences of fornication through birth control, including abortion which is the ultimate form of selfishne...

Response to an Inquirer about 'Money is Filthy Lucre'

The following is Anti Mammon Conquerors' response to an inquirer about our post Money is Filthy Lucre . The comments from the person is in purple. Our response is interspersed between the paragraphs in purple text. We have decided to publish it to clarify for our readers what is meant by the spirit of mammon and why money is a danger to the soul. [It’s good that you explain what you mean by ‘the spirit of mammon’, this was something I was wondering about – though I’d like to ask, where do you find that in the Bible? ] Have you read Ephesians 6:12 “ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places ”? The Christian is a soldier in a spiritual battle. 1 John 2:15-17 makes it clear that that from the world and that from God are diametrically opposed to each other. It lists everything in the world: the lust of the flesh,   the lust of the eyes, ...

What is Lust of the Eyes?

The eyes, what you see visually, are the windows of your soul. What you see conveys to your mind and to your soul which will desire that which is seen, or no desire of that which is seen. 'Lust' is desire. Desire is a want for something. It need not be sexual, although sexual lust undeniably a sin (Matthew 5:28). Desire itself is not wrong per se, it is the evil, wicked desires that come from a wicked heart that are wrong. Even when one has been born again of the Spirit, one will still deal with temptations, and fall into sin, even though the old sinful self has died (Galatians 2:20). Such temptations include lust for anything of the world, that is anything the world esteems highly. The things that the world esteems highly are abominations in the eyes of God (Luke 16:15) because the world hates God. What is this to do with mammon? Mammon is the spirit behind wealth, riches and possessions. Many Christians think that worshipping mammon is just materialism. As such, they think ...

What is meant by the 'world' in 1 John 2:15-17

  Do not love the world or anything in the world .  If anyone loves the world, love for the Father  is not in them .     For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh,  the lust of the eyes,  and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.     The world and its desires pass away,  but whoever does the will of God  lives forever (1 John 2:15-17).  Christians are often accused by the unsaved who are bitter against Christians of thinking that all humans are fallen. Yes, this is true because God says so, not because followers of Christ say so. The unsaved feel uncomfortable or upset at Christians because they are reminded that they are suppressing the truth by their own unrighteousness (Romans 1:18). This is how the true Christian, by their words and deeds should make the unsaved feel since Jesus said to His disciples that "i f the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.   If ye ...

Flee the Wolves! Run from Apostasy!

Preach against the wolves in sheep clothing in their face! Good job Street Church!

I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ - Fellowship of the UNASHAMED!

Be bold in proclaiming the Gospel!

Witchcraft: Public Enemy Number 1

When people hear about witchcraft, the first thing that comes to mind are witches on broomsticks, old ugly women who make cauldrons and only too keen on poisoning little children. This imagery has some truth in it, however, it is too simple. Witchcraft is the spirit of control, manipulation and domination. God does not sanction ANY relationship between humans to be one of domination. It is not part of His Nature to dominate people as He gives every person a free will. Thus, any relationship involving domination comes from satan. Satan uses such relationships to control the person and compel them to do his will to lead them to Hell. Make sure you listen to both parts of Derek Prince's sermons: ​ 

"Yea, Hath God Said?!" Exposing Satan's Plot in the Church: Sermon on 2 ...

A very important sermon about how satan tries to and does deceive the true Church , in an attempt to stop it from fully devoting to God, and ultimately, reaching out to the lost. Make sure you watch it.

Money itself is Of the World

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If any one loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life , is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides for ever  (1 John 2:15-17). Many Christians, owing to the very subtle emphasis on prosperity being of blessing from God such that it indicates one is right with God believe that money is from God. Anything that is not from God is of the world. Yes, money is not from God, but it is of the world. Money has value because the world adds value to it and determines its value. That is why the spirit from satan works behind it. Thus, money is of the world. This is not to say that money as a physical object itself is evil. Rather, it is to say that the spirit behind it is evil making money something of a world that seeks to seduce people away from G...

The spirit of Jezebel Reigns in Australia

Mothers have been reported of faking domestic violence to control their husbands and children. This domineering and manipulative behaviour is of the spirit of Jezebel. The spirit of Jezebel reigns in Australia, leading to generation of decadent youth, emasculated, immature males and evil, controlling, aggressive women. Read:

The Spirit of Witchcraft Haunts and Kills It Victims

The spirit of witchcraft is one that runs the world in no matter what era, institution or circumstances. It is one of domination. It has its victim that is held in bondage. Witchcraft NEED NOT be mystical and involve 'cultish' religions. Rather, it is the spirit of it that should be of concern to Christians. It is what makes people feel that they need to control and dominate others, and hence, against the spirit of God. God does not sanction ANY relationships in which one is dominating the other. This spirit of manifested in the Jezebel spirit, but it is not limited to the Jezebel spirit. The word 'empowerment' has the connotations control and domination over others. It is a concept that people need to be careful with. Control and domination are prevalent at all levels whether it is in the household, politics, economy, media, academia, and above all, the church. A person can be a good believer in the Church but be under the spirit of witchcraft. This person...

Money is Filthy Lucre

Money is a strange enigmatic thing. On one hand, money as a physical object itself is not evil. You can throw it in the bin, throw it down a drain or throw it on a train track so that it becomes dented. On the other hand, money has a spirit that works behind it that tempts people to feel secure about their need and seek only treasure on earth rather than treasure in Heaven. An unsaved person once said that she noticed two types of people: people who are controlled by money and people who are not controlled by money. People who are controlled by money alway feel that they need more. They often cry out to God, not in godly sorrow, but cry out to Him in vain for material things. People who are not controlled by money are content with what they already have whether poor or rich. A hallmark of contentment with what one has is the ability to give up what one has without holding any of it back. It is never the amount of money that one can give up that is irrelevant. Jesus rebuked the peop...

Is Judging in the Bible?

Judging IS in the Bible. The verse that the world twists the most is "judge not lest you be judged". The world, that is all who are unsaved whether they attend a local church or not, loves this verse because it makes them feel good about about themselves. Jesus did not say to the woman caught in adultery, "you are fine where you are" in your adultery. He did not say to Zacchaeus the thieving, cheating, extortioner of a tax collector that "you are fine where you are" in sin. NO! He told them to "go sin no more" and that salvation has only come to that person because he repented and turned to Christ. Jesus condemned the pharisees for their hypocritical, hence their unrighteous, ungodly judgment. Jesus commanded righteous judgment, and righteous judgment alone.

Repent, Fake Christian!

Are you a fake "Christian"? Do you think you are a Christian? Jesus warned that on that Great and Terrible Day, many will cry out to Him "Lord, Lord", only to hear Him say "I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of iniquity?" Make sure you watch this sobering warning. You very soul may depend on it.

What the Socialist Media is Afraid of...(Warning: Content May Be Offensive)

Australian Christians will lose their freedom of speech too, if they do not fight for the freedom of speech to express one's views. Time to shrug off our fear of man, and fight for freedom of speech without fear of offending those who do not agree.

Why Money is Dangerous to the Soul

Jesus warned people repeatedly about money. All throughout the Bible are warnings against not only the love of money, but money itself. So, what is money? Why is it so dangerous to the soul? Money as a physical object is something used in exchange for something. That is, money is used to gain something . Money, in this world can be used to gain cars, houses, luxury handbags, plasma TVs, education, sex, entertainment - all material things. It can be used to gain anything except for salvation from Jesus Christ. Money has a spirit behind it. That spirit is MAMMON who tempts people to believe that it is money that keeps them secure, as opposed to God. Putting one's faith in money will result in one not putting faith in God because money is of the spirit of mammon who seduces people to become materialistic and greedy, and to only focus on earthly things rather than look to God.    Matthew 6:19-21 clearly tells people not to seek after accumulation of wealth:  Do not store...

Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version

The documentary explores the underlying morality and ethics of the modern economic system. The spirit behind debt slavery which characterises the modern economy and banking system is MAMMON. It is the spirit of greed. The love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10).

Babies Are Murdered Here

Abortion is murder. Full stop. Murderers shall have their place in the Lake of Fire, also known as Hell. If you have secured or performed an abortion, you stand guilty before God and are facing the wrath of Hell. So, flee from the wrath of God today. God has provided a way so that you will not have to end up in Hell for an eternity. He sent His only Son Jesus to die all our sins. He paid the fine we owed God for us - a fine we would never be able to finish paying. So, repent and put your faith in Him. If you feel that God could never forgive your sins, know this: when you come to Him seeking His mercy to forgive your sins, He will wash away your sins as far as the east is from the west. See for more details.

God-given Dominion over the Earth does not justify Capitalism

Some Christians argue that, unlike socialism and communism, capitalism teaches people to exercise what God has given to all people to use to serve God. God gives all people  natural resources and land, which is common property or land to use, whether they believe in Him or not.  Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground ( Genesis 1:26). They argue that capitalism, because people have to work to gain, teaches people to work hard and contribute to society, and discourages people from being slothful. However, the basis upon which capitalism is justified in this case can be used to justify communism, on the grounds that it can also be used to make people work together as a commune for the good of society.  Another argument made by Christians who support capitalism is that the gain is propo...

Capitalism is Not Biblical at All - It is Anti-Christian

Many Christians of the modern mammonised world have an amicable attitude towards capitalism, or even supportive of capitalism. They argue that capitalism is consistent with Scriptures because it makes people work hard, discouraging people from being lazy and self-entitled. They also argue that it enables people to be good stewards of the environment and natural resources that God gave to the world. What many Christians fail to realise is that the crux of capitalism is to accumulate wealth, and that ideology made up by humans does not change the human heart. Capitalism is not a schoolmaster that makes people work hard, like the Law of God which is a schoolmaster that shines light on one's personal sins. Rather, capitalism is of the devil that entices people to work hard to gain material things for its own sake, tempting people away from serving God. It is of the spirit of mammon. Jesus said that it is impossible to serve God and mammon. A person will hate one and love the other (L...


Exposing the false doctrines of the prosperity "gospel" which is an abominable heresy. Christ died for our sins so that we can be reconciled with God if we repent of our sins and put our faith in Christ Jesus alone. He did not die to give us money.

False Teachers By Shai Linne

Great rap that explains the deception of the prosperity "gospel" and warns people that the love of money leads people to Hell.

The True Christian IS Righteous

Many Christians today hesitate to claim that the Bible says that once a person is in Christ, he is righteous (1 Corinthians 1:30). They feel that it is self-righteousness and fear attacks from others, especially the secularists and humanists accusing them being "self-righteous". The secularists are the ones who are self-righteous among all other unsaved people.  Self-righteousness literally means righteous according to self. The Bible says that every person is pure in their own eyes. This is self-righteousness. However, to be righteous, is not self-righteousness.  A person is only truly righteous when God declares that person to be so. A person can only be righteous with God when his old self has truly died and it crucified in Christ. So, a true Christian IS righteous but he should not go around saying this as he would be boastful in doing so. 1 John 3:7 says "let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.​"...

Open Letter to 21st century True Church

This is a warning to all people within a church, especially those in the Word Faith or name-it-claim-it movement – the health, wealth and prosperity “gospel”. The health, wealth and prosperity “gospel” teaches that God will give you all you want if you have more faith or obedience. The prosperity “gospel” can be very blatantly obvious to extremely subtle. Many Christians think they are not influenced by this “gospel” because they do not attend a Pentacostal, Hillsong or Charismatic church. However, the prosperity “gospel” can be as subtle as the teaching that God will give those who are obedient to Him, all their basic material needs, that is, the needs of the person on their own terms. If this is the case, why does God allow true Christians to suffer persecution? Why did He allow Paul to suffer and go to jail, to be eventually beheaded? Why did He allow Jesus to suffer, eventually to die as a criminal when he was sinless? Are you saying that Jesus died so we could live a good earthly...

Urgent Message: The Danger of Worldly Desires

Why the church has no influence on the culture in the modern world? It is not persecution from the world that is the cause of this. An urgent message - make sure you watch it.

The Church Must Rise Up and Stand Up for God's Word

The phrase 'stand up for' is now a catch phrase that can be used for anything a person believes in. So what does it mean to stand up for God's Word? It is to obey and fear God, not man.  The modern church has become divided over how the secular governments and society at large is trying to target and marginalise Christians. Part of the reason why they are succeeding in doing so is because the church itself is divided over social, economic and cultural issues. This division is owing to a lack of solid teaching about God's stance, that is, not what would Jesus do, but what did Jesus do.  The question what would Jesus do is very popular with the world. It loves it because it can be free it make up its own image of Jesus and use it to attack the Bible and Christians for not living up to their view of the Bible which they don't believe in.  Instead, as evangelist Ray Comfort says, the question should be what did Jesus do, because it confines people within the boun...

Commonwealth funding of school chaplaincy program struck down in High Court

There has been much controversy about the school chaplaincy program in Australia. The controversy was started, not by the church or the "religious" community as the media makes it out to be, but the plaintiff atheist Ron Williams. It won't be longer before the High Court rules that a person is criminally liable for even mentioning God's name let alone to say that Jesus is the only Way, Truth and the Life. The church needs to stand up for its freedom of speech to spread the Gospel in love. Read:

Culturally Relevant or Ashamed of the Gospel?

This is  an urgent message about why the modern church will be persecuted in the near future. The answer is not what you think: In these increasingly uncertain times, we are seeing a whole new level of worldliness in the Church. We seem to have adopted a “seekermergent” model that focuses on being relevant to those who don’t know Christ, by looking exactly like the culture. But those who are lost already have the culture, so why would they need the Church?  Instead of telling them about our need for a Savior and preaching repentance for our sins and the forgiveness Jesus offered once and for all in His sacrifice, we talk of tolerance, acceptance and serving the world without evangelizing. Listen to the whole podcast at:

Hillsong Conference 2013 Woe to You Fat Shepherds

Hillsong is leading many to Hell. Woe to false prophets. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil , and put light in darkness, and darkness in light (Isaiah 5:20).

Does God Want Us All Rich?

This episode of The Comfort Zone explores the prosperity "gospel".

The New Dark Age of Lies, Hate and Hypocrisy

Why modern society is so enlightened, but yet so blind, becoming weak in its own strength, foolish in its own wisdom. We live in an age where one needs to be especially careful of what one says. Although we tend to think we live in an age of free speech and equality and is too enlightened for the Dark Ages of “mythology” and “superstition”, modern society is no different from people of the past at heart. Beneath the surface of technological and scientific advancements, and the quest for reason, modern society embraces lies to suit its facade of justifying its own moral decadence, and hides behind the false mask of increased knowledge. The Cult of Reason and the Quest for Knowledge ‘ “ A good world needs knowledge... it does not need a regretful hankering after the past or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men… ” – Bertrand Russell, Why I am Not a Christian The quest for truth has been a question of morality since the beginni...