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Showing posts from July, 2014

Spirit of Mammon works through Jealousy and Self-centred "Love"

The spirit of mammon seduces people by making them feel as though they do not have enough. It makes people of slave of their perceived poverty, inadequateness or weakness. It is not that material things themselves make people puffed up with pride, but the spirit behind it which makes people feel as though they are independent, self-sufficient and strong. This is indeed the attitude of many today in our increasingly materialistic, individualistic world. Jesus has a strong rebuke against such an attitude (Revelation 3:17): T hou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. The spirit underlying the attitude that one is self-sufficient, independent and rich with the earthly things one has is that of pride. Such is foolishness as earthly riches will rot.  While it is easy to say that only the rich and arrogant are proud of their earthly things, a poor person can be just ...

Waking up the True Church to Spiritual Warfare

Many Christians are very concerned about fighting the evils of homosexual ā€œmarriageā€, abortion and euthanasia, and rightly so. However, many fail to see the real evil behind all these evils although it should be obvious. Very obvious. The evil behind all evils is the spirit of mammon. Many Christians, who should understand what mammon is, fail to understand what mammon is. Mammon is the spirit behind money. The love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Instead of examining to see if one in under the spirit of mammon, many Christians are too caught up with earthly causes and fall victim to the spirit of mammon. As a result, they fail to understand the underlying evil of everything, and attempt to understand social evils using human-made sociological, psychological and political theories. Such is an insult to God. Instead of seeking the Word of God, many Christians use perverse, evil, wicked doctrines to understand such evils. As such, they have become blinded. The t...

The Beast of Mammon: How to Seduces and Blinds the World

The spirit of mammon is the spirit which works behind literally everything in this world. Whether it be through the world's political, economic, social or cultural systems, to popularly embraced ideologies, the spirit of mammon is that which drives everything.  The spirit of mammon is not merely a spirit of materialism. To make such a claim shows a limited understanding of what it really is, and may indicate that one is indeed under the spirit of mammon. Rather, it is one that seduces people to serve the lust of the flesh - the perceived needs of the person.  Such needs may be legitimate needs like food, however, when such material needs are craved after to the extent that they take priority over feeding on the Word of God, the person has succumbed to the lust of the flesh.  The spirit of mammon seduces people by appealing to the material needs, and leads the person to serve only their physical, earthly needs, that which will perish. When satan tempted Jesus in the...

Spirit of Liberalism: "It is all about Freedom, no moral Law applies"

The spirit of liberalism shouts to the unregenerate people: "Why follow a set of moral Laws When you can enjoy your own liberty and freedom Believe in whatever you want Why care about the existence of any moral Laws Written on the heart by God Yes, I know God can send people to Hell But I say, Why suffer under such moral Laws Why don't you make up your own Isn't there more freedom in that? Follow your heart Your heart is not as wicked or deceitful as You have been told No, no, never think that You have too low a self-esteem if you think Your heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things Don't ever think that If you ever think that That is what our psychologists are more Forget about the Christian ministers They are a thing of the past Just listen to your psychologist Who will increase your self-esteem and Who loves you enough So he would never tell you about your sin. Don't listen to those Christians Who will always se...

The Spirit of Mammon: Serve your needs first

The spirit of mammon yells out to the people: "I will give you your needs Because I know what you need for you As long as you have all your Food, water and a shelter You will be fine But why don't you strive for more than the basics Why not? Apart from that You can have not only good food, but luxury dining Drinks, and a fancy home You can also have someone to support you In achieving such things Marriage is a contract, not a covenant Isn't that good? It is not your fault, or the other person's fault In this modern system of no-fault divorce Marriage is only a contract Where your partner is sure to work for Theirs and your material needs Why wait for buying that house? Or that car? You can buy it now After all You need them So you should get it now So you need to get a loan even though it has an interest charged Because it is better to get it now than later You need to buy it now Since you can, you can do it. You can repay all your lo...

"There is no God, you are God": The Spirit of the Antichrist

The spirit of the antichrist whispers in the ears of those who hate God, Telling them what they want to hear: "Why believe in God You are wise, intellectual, and good enough Without God You are good without God Look at the good things you have done for society Scientific advancements Medical advancements Rights movements Rights for women and children, and homosexuals Legal developments, the rule of law which means that Your rights can be protected by law alone Government law is the only thing that protects Don't trust God Because He will only punish your evil deeds Instead, trust government law because it will made accordingly to The will of the people Not God's will That is the beauty of democracy Don't worry about your needs The government will look after you It will make money by taking interest on a loan Usury is good because you get something in return For yourself at no cost to you That is why capitalism was born Capitalism defeated c...

The Spirit of Humanism: Thou shalt do as one chooses

The spirit of humanism yells out from the roofs: "You people who are so repressed Tied to so many rules about How to behave, how to speak How to think, and how to act Which come from God He who submits himself to God And follows God is a fool He says he is not a good person Because he has fallen short of the glory of God He says he is not bound by the Law of God But yet submits to God - is this not about following rules" Pretending to feel sympathy for the lost and mocking them, leading them to the pit he yells out: "Why obey God, When you can follow your own heart Do what you like Choose what you want to believe Choose how to act Live in anyway you want You may say, "people will get hurt if that is the case". But I say "no" That is why you have the law, Political institutions and media Academia They are the experts who have knowledge about How the world works and thus understand everything that we need To create a societ...

How satan stops our prayers Combat in the Heavenly Realms

How we pray has an impact on the demons and their ability to stop our prayers from being answered. Make sure you watch this very important clip. Put on the Armour of God! Pray without ceasing!

How satan tricks us (3): Emotional/Spiritual Manipulation

Emotions are powerful. While emotions are a gift from God, they certainly can be misused, abused and faked. Satan uses emotional manipulation to deceive people into acting out on something on the mere basis of their emotions.  One's emotions do not determine reality. Rather, our emotions respond to reality based on what we perceived. Emotions dictate how we perceive things. This explains why people respond to the same text differently. My article at is only one example. I thank the person who identified himself or herself as Prayer Warrior for standing up for me when a very upset Roman Catholic woman made vitriolic false accusations against me. I thank God for his or her grace in dealing with that RC woman who continually attacked me in her anger.  Emotions shape our perception of things, and we then act accordingly to how we perceive things. Emotions can be our friends when they direct u...

Proof that Street Preaching is Biblical & for all Believers - Forbes Mor...

Go and proclaim the Gospel to all people, Christians!

How satan tricks us (2): Creating Conflict

Satan knows human nature too well. He knows it better than us humans. He knows we are proud. He knows that we love to see the evil in others, and see only the good in ourselves. He knows that humans will only fight for what they think is right. So, what better way but to create conflict between humans. He uses conflict to promote hate between people, lies about others and enslaves people to fear of being attacked or bullied by others. He is able to do this only because of our pride in ourselves. Pride blinds one from seeing what is true. Ultimately, he tries to blind the unsaved to stop them from seeing the Truth. It is the role of the true Church to evangelise the lost and fight evil. Only the true Church has all the answers because it knows God who knows everything. The unsaved who are spiritually blind cannot understand evil for what it really is - evil from the heart because they know not sin. Thus, the unsaved cannot be blamed for evils. As harsh as this sounds, only the true ...

The humanist apostle's creed

Humanism is the doctrine that humans are the master of our own destiny. This is absurd at best, arrogant at worst. The humanist apostle's creed I believe in naturalism, Science Almighty,  the creator of heaven and earth,  and in Darwinism, its offspring, our Master:  Which was conceived of ā€˜enlightenedā€™ men,  born of a rejection of Scripture,  flourished under Charles Darwin,  suffered, but was rescued by the ā€˜new synthesisā€™. 6   It ascended to acceptance in the church.  The next century, the church spiraled further into compromise.  She descended into humanism  and sits at the right hand of naturalism, Science Almighty,  from which she is powerless to judge the living or the dead.  I believe in ā€˜enlightenedā€™ men, the evolutionary establishment,  the fellowship of evolutionists,  the nonexistence of sins,  the annihilation of the body,  and death everlasting.  Amen. What folly! If humans ar...

The Moral Decay of Legalising an Abomination

If homosexual "marriage" becomes legalised (I pray not), surrogacy and manufacturing a baby will skyrocket, persons will be able to be bought and sold for their reproductive gametes, sexual promiscuity will be ever more rampant, a homosexual generation will be produced, a generation that thinks sex is a mere act to be done for self-gratification will spread this idea to the next, sex will be a "sport", paedophilia will be normalised and be called "intergenerational sex", and then bestiality will come.  ā€‹ We must pray that it will not be legalised.  Stop homosexual "marriage" at 

How satan tricks us (1): Truth is twisted with some Error

Satan is very cunning in his tricks. He mixes truth and error, to make truth sound like error and error sound like truth. He appeals to the pride, emotion and sentiments of people to make them have a certain impression of something that is based on something true, and then twists this truth to create a lie. What he gets people to think is based on that which is true, but he twists the truth with some error to deceive us. He is too cunning to know that if his lies are based on that which are known to be false, he will not be able to deceive people. He appeals to the emotions of those who have been hurt by a church, and tells them that it is the church that is wrong in its teachings, so they can sin without consequences or blame God. He appeals to the sentiments to the women who fear violence and degradation that one must be able to kill their husband to protect themselves and feel liberated from fear. He appeals to the pride of those who think they morally superior and tolerant, to be...

Is Capitalism Morally Bankrupt? 5 moral flaws and their consequences

Many Christians accept Capitalism as broadly in line with biblical teaching. Its economic success appears to vindicate attribution of its origins to Christian theology.This confidence in Capitalism as the best available economic system has meant that Christians have failed to recognise that it is one of the main drivers of social and moral breakdown in Western societies. This paper will highlight five failings in the philosophical foundations and institutions of Corporate Capitalism, pointing to their devastating impact on families and communities, and how they bring about the growth of giant corporations and centralised state power. Christians need to search urgently for a new economic order based on biblical revelation. One such alternative will be set out in a future issue of  Cambridge Papers . Read the rest here: The whole spirit of mammon ...

The Duty of a true Christian: to Expose and Fight Evil

Satan is the enemy of humanity. He knows he has been defeated by Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the world. However, God allows satan to prowl around the world, looking for people to devour. Although has indeed been defeated, and that God is ultimately in control, it is still absolutely crucial for Christians to understand how satan attempt to blind people, so that they can understand and expose evil. The Bible commands Christians to:  H ave no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (Ephesians 5:11).  'Fellowship' come from the Greek word ' koinĆ³nia'. Koinonia means participation or contribution. Thus, the Bible clearly commands Christians to abstain from doing evil works, or from supporting such deeds. Reprove comes from the Greek word ' elegchĆ³, which means to rebuke or expose. Therefore, Ephesians 5:11 commands Christians to not only abstain from evil, but to rebuke or expose it. Participation or contribution can be ...

The Irony of Democracy

We have seen the recent fight for democracy in the Arab states and in Burma.  We have seen the fall of dictators who have transgressed their boundaries. Democracy is the most common form of government in the modern world. To theists, it is inherently evil. To secularists, it is the only acceptable form of government. To autocrats, it is a threat to their power. To communists, it is uncontrolled and leads to anarchy. Read more at:    Read more about how democracy is not about justice.

Tithing Manipulation: Malachi 3:8-10

Tithing, which involves compelling people to give money is an unbiblical doctrine. Giving should be done with a joyful, cheerful, generous heart. Thus, that many churches practice tithing is NOT an excuse to NOT give money.  Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). 

Preachers (Pimps) Of L.A: Dietrich Haddon, Money Hungry Tactics, & The G...

These so-called "pastors" who preach that if one is faithful, God will bless them more with material things are wolves.  But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words . Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. (2 Peter 2:1-3) Money, behind which the spirit of mammon operates,  is the root of all evil. Please pray that these "preachers" and their followers will repent and put their faith in Jesus so that they can be saved.

Satans Brain Games: Subliminal Messages; He Wants To Sift You As Wheat.

Satan uses all the tricks up his sleeve to deceive all people. We often think of evil villains as ugly, and grotesque in appearance. However, satan comes as an angel of light. Check this all important video.

The Spiritual War Wages On

We live in a society that places an emphasis of 'peace', which of course, to society means tolerance. Tolerance means to accept the beliefs, opinions or practices of others unquestionably and to not express disapproval or opposition. However, because tolerance is defined by society in the modern world, society is the one who believes it  is entitled to define which beliefs and opinions can be expressed or held privately, and, more importantly which cannot. Since the world hates Christ, it hates the Gospel, and everything it stands for. That is why Christians are marginalised for their beliefs.  The world whose has whole range of viewpoints, loves to point out and expose their enemies for being wrong from their perspective, but whenever they are confronted with the Gospel, the world is united in its antichrist spirit. Jesus said to His followers that    " If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.    If ye were of the world, the w...

The Comfort Zone: We Are Not Negotiators

The Comfort Zone: We Are Not Negotiators : The Bible is not a 'social construct. God is not a 'social construct'. No, no, don't make that mistake. God is the living real true God who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell (Matthew 10:28). That is why all, the unsaved and saved should fear Him.

The Darkness that Drives Abortion is Not Lust Alone ā€“ Mammon Seduces with its Promised Sexual ā€œFreedomā€

The idol of ā€œconvenienceā€ has been resolved by abortion in a society that treats sexual freedom as an ultimate public good. Abortion has been made out to be a political, cultural, social and economic issue. However, any discussion or even mere references to abortion as a moral issue is dismissed as one that is unnecessary, old-fashioned, intolerant, bigoted or even hateful.  Any talk about abortion being a moral issue is treated with the uttermost scorn as though it was heresy. Abortion is indeed an ideology in itself, and also a ā€œmoralā€ framework made to serve the idol of mammon. Owing to sympathy for the woman who so heartlessly chooses to murder her child who treats it as a parasite fit only for the incinerator, the pro-life movement has failed to stand against what abortion truly is ā€“ child murder.  As a result, it has failed to attack the pervasive abortion ideology that abortion is wrong only because it harms the woman, despite recognising that abortion is killing o...

Wake up Call to the True Church

Please, please wake up Christians! Please, wake up! Look at how the Church is becoming less offensive to the world.  A "church" that is not offensive to the world because of what it practices, believes and worships,  is not a true church at all. Such a church is an apostate church. As Christians, we should be naturally offensive to the world by our obedience to God.  Our presence should offend the unsaved. The unsaved should find us offensive, or loony for being obedient to God. They should hate us or find us annoying. The unsaved should feel uncomfortable by what we do because we obey God. But the world doesn't feel that about the modern Church. It is quite comfortable with it and the Church is comfortable with the culture. This really should not be the case at all. We should find the culture repugnant. We should feel that we would like to spit the culture out of our mouths and flush it out of our system. They should feel the sam...

Family Manipulation: Witchcraft, Greediness and Deceptions. (HD)

Manipulation is not love. It is selfish. God is love, and so because manipulation is not love, it is not from God. It is from satan. Watch this important video about how the spirit of witchcraft ruins people. Despite the fear this conotes, this spirit can be fought of in Jesus' Name.

False Doctrine & Falser Teachers

We live in an age where there are no absolutes. The meaning of truth has been lost. As a result, the Church has lost its sense of discernment about the truthfulness of a statement or doctrine. A statement that is twisted becomes a false doctrine. Any false doctrines are meant for putting people on the road to Hell. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves (Matthew 7:15).

Obeying God and Keeping His Commandments

To be saved, one must have knowledge of sin. To have knowledge of sin, one must have the correct Biblical understanding of sin.  The Bible speaks about sin all throughout from Genesis to Revelation. Sin is transgression of God's Law whether by word, thought or deed. All sin opposed to God. To sin is to hate God. The wages of sin is death or Eternal Punishment in Hell (Romans 6:23). God must punish sin because He is just. It is just like how a just judge in a court of civil law cannot allow a murderer to go free because he is a just good judge. God hates sin No one who is unrighteous shall enter the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9). This is because God cannot permit unrighteousness. All unrighteousness, no matter how small it may seem compared to other acts of unrighteousness is still unrighteousness.  Despite that one cannot be saved by works, as the works of the unrighteous are like filthy rags to the Lord (Isaiah 64:6), the one who is truly saved produces good fruit....

Doctrine Matters

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.   Ye shall know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:15-16). Doctrine is teaching about what something is. One's understanding of something will determine how they will understand what is needed for one to act. The doctrine of Salvation is the most important doctrine for EVERYONE. It is about how to escape from God's righteous wrath, for which the sentence for the person is rightfully an Eternity in Hell. There is no question that the doctrine of Salvation is the most important doctrine of all. It is about where one spends Eternity. The most fundamentally important doctrines of the Bible are that: All humans have sinned against God.  The wages of sin is death, or an Eternity in Hell. Sin is transgression of God's Law. Hell is God's righteous, just punishment for guilty sinners. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are part of the Holy Trini...

Christians: Be Strong and Courageous. Be the Salt and Light of the world

What did God tell Joshua to defeat the evil wicked enemies? Be strong and courageous. So what should Christians do? Be strong and courageous. Many Christians in Australia have failed to be strong and courageous. Instead of being strong and courageous, many chicken out and avoid speaking out against social evils where the opportunity arises. While this is not to say to one should deliberately seek to offend people, or to ask people to persecute us (persecution complex), it is NOT AN EXCUSE to avoid speaking out against social evils and fighting them. Wake up people! This may sound arrogant, but only the Christians can ALL answers needed to fighting against evil. This is because we have the MOST PERFECT AND WISEST, and HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, JUST, GOOD Almighty God who can empower us to fight evil who is perfect in His holiness, righteousness, justice and goodness. God is the best philosopher, judge, lawyer, author, speaker, warrior and law enforcer...

Mammon vs God is not Dualism

Last year in 2013,  Evolution vs God was released by Living Waters evangelical ministries. Similarly, this post is called mammon vs God. Evolution is not a scientific theory as it is claimed to be. It is an ideology of humanism, of the spirit of liberalism. Evolution is not a spirit being that is equal to God.  Likewise, mammon is not a spirit that is equal to God. God has no equals as He is Sovereign. However, mammon, unlike evolution, is a spirit that comes from satan. Jesus said that one cannot serve both God and mammon. A person will either love God and hate mammon, or hate God and love mammon. How can one know that mammon is a spirit. Money is something that people either crave for, or reject as we can observe. Apostle Paul tells us that we " wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12).  Mammon is against God as one...