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The Liberal Ethic is an Enforced (im)moral code that calls good evil and evil good

Many in the modern church are so uninformed, unaware and naive about what liberalism truly is. Some even claim to be supporters of liberalism in certain cases, for example regarding economics, thinking that "liberal"' economics (if such a distinction in economics is even needed) is more generous and caring towards the poor.  Some Christians even think that liberalism can be somewhat compatible with Christianity when liberalism is applied in  a certain way. This misses the real point of what the real issue is. 

The real issue is the spirit of liberalism that works through people, feeding on the carnal desires and the flesh of the masses, and seeking to enforce this ethic onto all individuals. The spirit of liberalism manifests himself is all kinds of way, including in the church. He does not just manifest himself in churches that seek to "interpret" the Bible is any way they choose, or in a way that they think is more benevolent, or kind. He does not just manifest himself in professing "churches" that conduct homosexual "weddings", although is it is obvious he manifests himself in such "churches". 

No! He manifests himself in the most subtle of ways, including in ways to be more "relevant" or "culturally sensitive" to people, "justified" on the grounds of being all things to all men, as one modern evangelical I have met argues to justify his fear of people. The spirit of liberalism thrives on the human desire to be independent of God, and hostile against God. Romans 8:7-8 makes this very clear: 

The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

Liberalism is not just a philosophy. It has a spiritual dimension behind it. If you think this sounds preposterous, I challenge you to identify the manner of spirit those who support, tolerate or approve of liberalism act in when dealing with any moral issue. The same manner of spirit in which those who support or approve of liberalism act in when thinking about and dealing with moral and ethical issues is present.  I also challenge you to identify the manner of spirit the unsaved of all kinds of different philosophies and religions try to understand the Bible. 

The spirit of liberalism manifests himself in secular humanism, the doctrine which claims that there is no Moral Lawgiver or Moral Law that is needed to make humans good and righteous. It is not that secular humanism says that all people are good, or even that people are good by nature. It claims that good and evil are illusory concepts that are "social constructs", determined by individuals and societies. Making this claim allows proponents of secular humanism to not only justify that there is no Moral Law, (and therefore no Moral Lawgiver, that is, Almighty Sovereign God), but also that what is evil is good and what is good is evil. You may argue that the secular humanist can be very moral. That is true. However, the doctrine of secular humanism in effect implies that because there is no Moral Law, that is truly evil can now be deemed a moral good, and what is truly good can now be deemed a moral evil within the secular humanist framework.

Isaiah 5:20 has a strong warning for those who twist moral standards and concepts: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

Immorality is a mere manifestation of the spirit of liberalism. However, it is only one of many manifestations of the spirit of liberalism. There are many manifestations of the spirit of liberalism. All of them deny truth or twist truth. Cults that twist the Bible to distort the image of Jesus are under the spirit of liberalism and of the spirit of liberalism with regards to knowing God, despite being socially and culturally conservative. It is that spirit behind the twisting of the Word of God, which is the twisting of Truth itself. 

Anything that twists Truth with a capital 'T', that is the Word of God, and the Word of God alone, is of the spirit of liberalism.

The spirit of liberalism thrives on the evil human desire to be independent of God. It tempts and seduces  true Christians to not fully submit to God, but to partially or mostly submit to God. To only partially or mostly submit to God is rebellion against God. Thus, the spirit of liberalism is that of rebellion.

The spirit of liberalism loves rebellion. He can never rest without rebellion and satisfied only when he has tempted a person into rebellion against God. He is the spirit behind rebellions against governments, which is rebellion against God. Romans 13:1-2 says: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation."

Romans 13:1-2 refers not to resisting evil government policies such as those who force churches to endorse homosexual "marriages" or those that force people to support child murder, now known as "abortion". Romans 13:1-2 refers to acts to failure to submit to the laws of a nation which are not against the Word of God, such as laws which prohibit murder. Romans 13:1-2 does not only refer to the laws of a nation which prohibit what is evil in the eyes of God, but also laws which the Bible is silent about and not against the Spirit of the Bible. Such laws include taxes, registration of non-government organisations including churches and traffic rules. The Christian is instructed to submit to such laws in Romans 13.

The spirit of liberalism however, works through rebellion against governmental authority that is ordained by God. It seeks to impose a moral order or ethic that feeds on the flesh and carnal desires of humans. He works with the spirit of mammon to seduce the masses into accepting the ethic of economic liberalism or neo-liberalism. Such is the spirit of liberalism. 


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